none: none
Class(es): none
none: none
Class(es): none
CREATED: 2023-03-08
DESCRIPTION: Makes group-connected lists multi-sortable.
LICENSE: Open Source
  1. The item you use as the drag item (where you hover the mouse cursor when you click to drag) is also the item that is sorted to the top of the collection when you drop it.
  2. The "additionalDemoClass" and "otherAdditionalDemoClass" class is there for demonstration only, so you can see that your own classes can be used in parallel without any negative impact.
  3. If nested lists are used, their group must always be at the same group depth.
  4. The "ui-sortable" and "ui-sortable-handle" class will be added dynamically by jQuery UI. So you don't have to hardcode it!

Using Divisions (DIV):

Group "A": 1 List
Group "A_Nested": 2 Lists
Group "A_Nested_Deeper": 2 Lists
A - #List01 - Item1
A_Nested - #List02 - Item1
A_Nested_Deeper - #List04 - Item1
A_Nested_Deeper - #List04 - Item2
A_Nested_Deeper - #List04 - Item3
A_Nested - #List02 - Item2
A_Nested - #List02 - Item3
A - #List01 - Item2
A_Nested - #List03 - Item1
A_Nested_Deeper - #List05 - Item1
A_Nested_Deeper - #List05 - Item2
A_Nested_Deeper - #List05 - Item3
A_Nested - #List03 - Item2
A_Nested - #List03 - Item3
A - #List01 - Item3
Group "B": 3 Lists
B - #List06 - Item1
B - #List06 - Item2
B - #List06 - Item3
B - #List07 - Item1
B - #List07 - Item2
B - #List07 - Item3

Using Definition Lists (DL):

Group "C": 1 List
Some List Title
C - #List09 - Item1

C - #List09 - Item2

C - #List09 - Item3


Using Ordered Lists (OL):

Group "D": 2 Lists
  1. D - #List10 - Item1
  2. D - #List10 - Item2
  3. D - #List10 - Item3
  1. D - #List11 - Item1
  2. D - #List11 - Item2
  3. D - #List11 - Item3

Using Unsorted Lists (UL):

Group "E": 2 Lists

Using Divisions (DIV) - Addendum:

We already missed "#List08" of group "B" at the "DIV" category above! But Multisort also works with wide spreaded groups. ;) Try it...
B - #List08 - Item1
B - #List08 - Item2
B - #List08 - Item3